Monday, July 30, 2012

Deep Thoughts

By: Jack Handy April Millar 

*Does 90% lean beef mean the cow has only 10% body fat? 
So really we should take it as a compliment if ever called a cow.

*Really soft lips and a really scruffy beard just cancels each other out to make an OK kiss.

*Do general authorities of the LDS church, when writing a talk ever think "This is going to be made into a vinyl sign."?

*If one couldn't roll their "R's" in Ireland would that be the equivalent as having a lisp?

*Every time I write an email or text to someone who I know got their degree in English I am way more aware of my grammar and punctuation. I feel like they are analyzing  me the way a psychiatrist would analyze someone's words and body language. 
Stresses me out.

*One day when Trevor was telling me about his day at work he mentioned Sunday, a lady who works in accounting. When he was done I asked him, "What do you think of the name Sunday?"
"Meh, I don't really like it."
"Uh..... I mean..... I think month names are way better than week names."


  1. and then I found 5 bucks...April, you crack me up! Love ya, and those glasses.

  2. I thought for a second I had stumbled onto C Jane's blog:)
    Seriously though I agree with all of your points... and Trevor's I don't trust people named after a day. Granted I have never met anyone named after a day...

  3. I thought for a second I had stumbled onto C Jane's blog:)
    Seriously though I agree with all of your points... and Trevor's I don't trust people named after a day. Granted I have never met anyone named after a day...
